sudden moon
X Japan/hide quizzes


learn | gaze | listen | play | surround | test | cover | obsess | mistress | scream | run

LEMONed I scream
LEMONed I scream

What hide Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla hi ho
you are: HI-HO!! fun craziness...touring....its
insane i tell you!! AHHH!! not more train food!

Which hide video are you!
brought to you by Quizilla Blue Blood
Blue Blood You're like Blue Blood, X's first major album. In
one word : You're perfect! But this album's
only fault is to be all over Yoshiki's
influence. So maybe you too need to rely on
your friends sometimes...

Which X/X japan album are you?
brought to you by Quizilla hide
You're hide! You are the heart of the band!
Nothing's possible without your charisma and
you know what is best in this situation? You
just have to BE THERE, and fans are happy! Oh,
the bad new is that you died, but you had the
best solo career of the band!

Which X/X Japan Member Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla hide

Who are you in X Japan?
brought to you by Quizilla youarehide
You are hide! The infamous "pink spider",
you are constantly on the move and tend to be a
little hyper. This of course makes you the
target for insults, but you deal with it in
creative ways. Your knack for originality is so
great, it shows in the clothing you wear and
the way you act. Not that it's bad of course.
Your biggest problem is probably trying to
settle down or sit in one place for more than
10 seconds. Although you are no longer around,
people remember you as "someone who
doesn't give up and lets life give them
something that they can tackle somehow".
Spread your pink and love of originality! Go
you. (and you also seem to have a strange
obsession with lemons...)

Which member of X Japan do you resemble?
brought to you by Quizilla Hide
You are Hide! You were the fireball, life of the
group, and you had one hell of a solo career
going. ~hums "Pink Spider"~ I have to
say, everyone loves you, even people who don't
like Japanese music all that much (some people love you more than others though! ^_^-kiki). The bad news
is you hung yourself in a drunken rage *sob*,
but the good news is you'll never, ever, EVER
be forgotten.

X Japan: Toshi, Hide, or Yoshiki?
brought to you by Quizilla

The 'Love hide Too Much?' Quiz : by Cate
Take this quiz!
You are a dedicated hide fan! You practically know
everything there is about your pink-haired idol
and possibly more. You've probably been a fan
for a long time, you're VERY enthusiatic about
hide and you never miss a chance on voicing
your fandom (maybe you could be a tad *bit*
obsessive as well...)

What kind of hide fan are you!?
brought to you by Quizilla

The 'Love hide Too Much?' Quiz : by Cate
Take this quiz!
Congratulations! You're SB's eccentric leader,
hide! Go you, you little horn-dog! ;)

Which Member of hide with Spread Beaver Are You? (NOT DONE! SHOO!!! GO AWAY)
brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x877bca4)
Wot, hide's necklace! ^^ yay! you're hide's skull necklace. You're loved by
fans and him! wot, you're personality is:
trustworthy, noticeable, and lovable

Which of hides Jewelry are you? (xjapan)
brought to you by Quizilla