sudden moon



learn | gaze | listen | play | surround | test | cover | obsess | mistress | scream | run

Dir en grey:
Tattered Cloth: My favorite Diru site. It has everything - including translations of almost all of Diru's songs. It also has a great layout.
Doku no Baiser: This is a fun site. It's the only site I've been to with La: Sadie's music. It even has a little dress up Kyo and Mana!
+poison~ : another great Diru site with lots of content.
Dir en grey: I'm not sure if this is what this site is called, but this site has a great Diru gallery and many pictures of each of the members.
Pink Spider: This is a great site with a great layout and a lot of info on hide and his life. One of my favorites!
Bleeding Heart: Another great site with a great layout. This is where I first heard hide's music from.
X Japan:
Kurenai: Possibly the best X Japan I've seen on the web. YOU MUST GO HERE!!
Dahlia: This site has hide's voice translations. ^^
Story: THE Gackt fan site.
Malice Mizer:
Jrock Legend: this site has the most complete Mana gallery I have ever seen!! If you are a Mana fan you should definately visit this page!!
Japanese Channel: even though this page isnt updated anymore, its still a wonderful page on jrock!
Jrock NYC - a great page of reviews from jrock lives!! Thanks Go!
Rodger's jrock page: A great page with lots of images.
Sushicam: A blog about life in Japan.
Japanese Streets: ano..."Follow Japan's trendy youths".
State of Sedation : My friend's band's website.