sudden moon
Jrock Quizzes


learn | gaze | listen | play | surround | test | cover | obsess | mistress | scream | run


Which Jrock Queen Are You? by Youko Triumph

You are ain't afraid to die!
You are 'ain't afraid to die' by Dir en grey!

Which sad j-rock song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla moderate
You're the Moderate Fangirl. You defend what you
love but know there are two sides to every

What Kind of Fangirl are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Congratulations! Your ideal Alpha Male is...

oh yeah~
Which Alpha Male is right for you?
Brought to you by Alexandra and Matrim
You'd make a good member of X-Japan.
You'll get along great as a part of X-Japan! Who
cares what your other band members look like on
stage. You have the once in a lifetime
opportunity to drool over Yoshiki and hide

Which J-rock Band Would Let You Join?
brought to you by Quizilla you send fangirls into ecstasies, for you are raver kyo!
kyo raves???

what odd j-rock fashion statement are you?
brought to you by Quizilla playful

What kind of tongue do you have? (j-rock photo answers)
brought to you by Quizilla
Your king is Kaoru! The serious type is always
acceptable. Heak, he'll know what to do with

Who's your J-rock King?
brought to you by Quizilla Toshiya
Toshiya is your slave...the wild sexy beast has
been tamed, and your the one to do it! Lucky
you, just don't touch the lips!

J-Rock Claim Quiz -Who would be YOUR slave???
brought to you by Quizilla Baroque
 So you may not be about vampiric activity per se...
It seems necrophilia is more your style. Close
enough... You still retain the eerie insanity we all love.

J-Rock: What Malice Mizer Vampire Song are You?
brought to you by Quizilla Kyo
You are Kyo of Dir en Grey. He is the "I think
I'm scary but I'm really cute and yeah"
vocalist. Does that explain you any? >D (pink
shirts really bring out your eyes :D)

What pint sized j-rock vocalist are YOU?
brought to you by Quizilla Realistic Fan
Realistic Fan: You don't dream about marrying your star and you
don't envy others if they get closer to him.
Your a relaxed person, who just enjoys his

What type of j-rock fan are you? (Just for females)
brought to you by Quizilla COMPLETELY INSANE J-ROCKERS!
So, you like the completely insane ones, eh? Well,
good for you! Yu~ki, hide, Jiro, and lots
others that I just can't think of right now
would be perfect!

What type of J-Rocker would you roleplay as the best?
brought to you by Quizilla Hide
Hide! Like em crazy? Good, you'll love Hide! This
little pink haired wonder is sure to give you a
good time one way or another! Awwww, he's so
cute...don't you just wanna glomp him? Just
don't damage his pretty angel wings when ya do.

Which J-rock boi is for you? (or, if you're a guy..which irresistable shonen are you?)
brought to you by Quizilla I like my Jrock: Old Skool!
You're Old Skool! New bands probably don't tickle
your fancy as much as the older and most likely
disfunct ones do. You like re-living old glory
days and possibly recalling your childhood.
Your favorite bands probably include X-Japan,
Luna Sea and of course The Yellow Monkey.

What's Your Genre Of Jrock?
brought to you by Quizilla yes
You're Kyo ... You Cute Person You!

Which Jrocker Matches your Personality
brought to you by Quizilla ---------- pervert
You're a PERVERT.

Are You a JRock Package Master?
brought to you by Quizilla mohawk
spazz... you're the mohawk. You probably drink too
much, you'll never grow up, you'll never act
your age, but that's why we love you. ^_^

What JRock hairstyle are you?
brought to you by Quizilla JxC
CLICK! You are Jiro x Camera! Sometimes we wonder
how you can enjoy a hobby that requires such
patience and stealth, but then we remember that
cuteness defies all logic. Here, have a
cookie. :D

Which JRocker x Random Object are you?
You are LOUD and you stand out baby! Go for Visual
Kei J-rock!

brought to you by Quizilla chiro-bass
You're Chirolyn!

What j-rock bassist are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
  • My #1 result for the selector, Dir en grey Compatibility Test, is Kaoru

  • My #1 result for the selector, How well do u know Jrock?, is Jrock is your life

    You have Gackt!!! Go you!

    What Malice Mizer Member are you in love with? (or should be)
    brought to you by Quizilla You are the beautiful Kami!
    You are Kami!

    Which Malice Mizer member are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla MANa >>;

    Which member of Malice Mizer will you screw senselessly?
    brought to you by Quizilla You are ok
    I actually might like you. You don't have to worry
    about any death messages soon from me, so let's
    just chill..

    How much Gackt Hates you.
    brought to you by Quizilla gackt would really have the hots for you, but
    probably wouldn't admit it.

    what gackt thinks of you
    brought to you by Quizilla Hehe, you got birthday suit we wanna know, since hes seksy in all...where is his birthday suit?
    You are Birthday suit Gackt!

    which Gackt are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla Le Ciel-A true fan to his Malice Mizer Days, you
    are his last apperance with your beloved band.
    Soon you will be branching off on your own but
    not just yet. You still need Malice Mizer for

    Which Type of Gackt Are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla gitaa
    Guitar-- You're guitar lovin' Mana. I don't
    know what sort of relationship is going on
    there between Mana and the guitar... but... I'm
    fairly sure t would make a good fic.

    Which random pointless Mana thought are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla
    Mana's Multicolored Eyesore
     You are Mana not looking like himself. Green? What were you thinking?

    What Malice Mizer Fashion Blunder Are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla HASH(0x86f4a30)
    Congratulations! You are Tsumi to Batsu! Your love
    may be true and pure, but it isn't returned. I
    am sorry, just please, don't hurt yourself, and
    damn, you sure can wail girl!

    What Shiina Ringo Song Are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla